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duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

A great indie game

Everybody knows about Minecraft, so i don't think a introduction to the indie scene that is blooming on the PC market is in need any longer. Now on the this unique and creative game i checked out recently. 

'No Time To Explain' is a ridiculously silly and entertaining 2D action-platfomer with a time travel twist to it, reminiscent of Meat Boy because of its difficulty and fast checkpoint system. It's relatively short, though longer than most 2D indie platfomers out there, and i had a blast with it.

What i really liked about this game is that it's ridiculously silly, i can see the developers pumped a lot of personality into it, there are trully bizzare environments in which you have to navigate through levels avoiding spikes and bottomless pits, action packed sequences in which you'll blast trough with your jetpack-gun (or whatever it's called), encouter bosses that are relatively easy to finish off, and ofcourse try not to die, because, wile portrayed in a funny way, it can be a tedious experience if you die over, and over again.

And you'll definitely die pretty damn often, usually in funny ways that'll make you chuckle here and there, and thankfully there's a good checkpoint system in place so you wont rage quit. It's worth mentioning that there's no traditional death penality in place, but if you die repeatedly the face of your character will change from a normal one, to a slightly sad face, then angry, and eventually to a enraged demon-like face that'll make you go like "What the hell?".

Overall, i really liked this game, it gave me a good chuckle, i recommend it to anyone interesting in a silly and funny platfomer with tight controls and decent lenght. It might not reach Minecraft's level of success, but i think it'll be a pretty big hit.

marți, 6 decembrie 2011

Fix your Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death problem in a incredibly easy way

Being a Xbox owner my self, i can't help but think that i was cursed by the Devil at birth ( well.. i couldn't help but think that at a early age, due to certain circumstances which i will not get into at this time).

Afterall, two RRoD happening a week or two after getting both (first console, after about two weeks, second one relatively the same, though i can't aproximately remember, to be honest) was a bad sign, for me at least.

So, enough was enough, i mean, what the hell, right? WHY was this happening. Two times? Give me a break, already.. So yeah, i started using that neccesity that we all use - The might of the Internet. Googling, and googling ... and googling. Until i stumbled upon something interesting that caught my attention. Obviously, as any human being with a bit of responsability, i was skeptical at first. I guess i really didn't want to feel yet another dissapointment by getting fooled (we all know that gigantic cesspool of scam artists the wonderful internet provides us with). So i started to carefully read every bit of info. i could for this little product, and after a wile, my gut instict felt just about right, and i said to my self "What the hell, the risks are small, and i've got nothing significant to loose anyway.", and went for it.

To my surprise, i didn't get fooled, in fact, i struck gold. Heck, now i wish i were just a little more tech savvy back then, because this little guide showed me the easy steps i needed to take to fix that horrible problem this damned console brought me. I did it, i fixed my Xbox, and i managed to make it work like a charm. I guess i should thank my gut instinct this time..

So anyway, what i was just rambling about was this little page right here, no technical knowledge required (thank God, because i was just a average Joe wen i found it, which i proudly still am... more or less), that helped me fix my Xbox 360 in a way so damn easy, now every time it could possibly fail me, i'll just apply the knowledge i easily learned.

Don't worry. I don't expect you to believe me, i wouldn't believe my self either, it looks like a scam, right? Even though my word isn't worth a penny, i can still give it to you, and tell you that it's not a scam. And if it were, i wouldn't be wasting my time recommending it to you. I may like writting, but i sure as hell don't want to become a member of that dark, disgusting cesspool i was talking about earlier..

The best thing do to is at least check it out, read up on it, and decide for yourself. I went for it, afterall, there's the saying that if you don't risk, you don't win. I guess this saying applied to my self, back then. I risked (though i wouldn't call it a risk, there are far more bigger risks to make out there in the wild, wild internet), and to my surprise, i won.

Have a good one,


luni, 5 decembrie 2011

Cadouri de Craciun pentru cei mici - Vanatorii de comori, o lume plina de mistere !

Vine craciunul un prilej foarte bun de a face cadouri celor dragi si copiilor, care il asteapta pe mosul cu sufletul la gura. Cu totii am fost copii si stim cat de frumos era atunci cand primeam un cadou fie el cat de mic, deoarece sentimentul de a daruii sau de a primii este de nedescris, este un lucru inconfundabil care pluteste in aer cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna. Playmobil iti ofera posibilitatea de a iti face fericit copilul cu setul de jucarii Vanatorii de Comori, care il va conduce intr-o lume plina de mister a comorilor disparute si il va capta pentru mult timp. Setul Vanatorii de Comori este cadoul potrivit in prag de sarbatori pentru copilul tau.